„Trainer!“ is a documentary film directed by Aljoscha Pause. It observes three young professional soccer coaches over the course of an entire playing season – Frank Schmidt, André Schubert and Stephan Schmidt. The film also takes a look behind the scenes at the DFB football coaching course led by Frank Wormuth. Established coaches like Jürgen Klopp, Hans Meyer, Armin Veh, Mirko Slomka, Peter Neururer, Thomas Schaaf and Michael Oenning also provide extensive insights.
Original titel | Trainer! |
Country | Germany 2013 |
Duration | 138 Min. |
Language | German |
Subtitles | English |
Regie | Aljoscha Pause |
Production | Pausefilm |
Cast | Frank Schmidt, Andre Schubert, Stephan Schmidt, Frank Wormuth, Jürgen Klopp, Hans Meyer, Peter Neururer, Michael Oenning, Thomas Schaaf, Mirko Slomka, Armin Veh |
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